This year marks our 25th anniversary. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are hosting a virtual 25th Anniversary Celebration on Friday, October 23, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, with featured speakers, entertainment, and a trip down memory lane. You can help us celebrate and participate by submitting a video.
We are accepting videos from:
- Individuals or Families
- Organizations or Businesses
- Groups (Scouting, Hiking, Birding, etc.)
Videos should be:
- Nature and/or wildlife related and/or congratulate Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy for 25 years of creating a place where people and wildlife thrive together
- Appropriate for ALL age levels
- No longer than 10 minutes and can be as short as 30 seconds
Be creative! Ideas include:
- Wildlife in action or a montage of photographs
- Skit, poetry reading, song, dance, or creating a work of art
- How Loudoun Wildlife helped you improve your landscape, make a career choice, gain experience or knowledge, meet new friends or maybe even your spouse
- How to build a birdhouse, a campfire, or a shelter in the woods
Submit your video using this form by Friday, October 16.
Contact us at if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing your creativity come to life!
Please note: Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy reserves the right to use your video as we see most beneficial. The video may be used prior to the event as advertising on social media, during the event, or following the event. If for any reason we feel your video is not appropriate, we reserve the right to not use it.