Twelve enthusiastic participants came out this morning (March 22, 2014) for the regular Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy monthly bird walk at the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship. Saturday’s walk was skillfully led by Bruce Johnson & Joe Coleman.
Highlights of the walk were signs of spring, with at least five different flocks of Canada Geese flying North in nice V-formations, a flock of Ring-billed Gulls high over the mountains, Eastern Phoebes and Field Sparrows singing in locations where they usually nest, two Fox Sparrows, and more sightings than one usually sees of Song Sparrows together and singing.
Early in the morning, Bruce, while waiting for the group to gather, enjoyed the view a flock of a 100 Tundra Swans fly right over his head; later during the walk we twice heard distant flocks of Tundra Swans but were unable to locate them. As the day warmed up, a number of Red-tailed Hawks were seen soaring overheard. The two very vocal Ravens, which were heard more than once, were also a nice addition to our walk.
Saturday’s walk took place on the southern portion of Blue Ridge Center, near the end of Sawmill Road and along Arnold Road–the area which is slated to become a future state park.
Information on the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship can be found at Information on the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and its many free activities can be found at
Good birding,
Reported by Joe Coleman
Edited by Sarah Steadman
The complete eBird list follows:
Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship – MFF01,Loudoun, US-VA
- Mar 22, 2014 7:30 AM – 11:15 AM
- Protocol: Traveling
- 2.0 mile(s)
37 species observed:
- Canada Goose 200
- Tundra Swan 100
- Mallard 1
- Great Blue Heron 1
- Black Vulture 2
- Turkey Vulture 15
- Cooper’s Hawk 1
- Bald Eagle 1
- Red-shouldered Hawk 2
- Red-tailed Hawk 4
- Ring-billed Gull 3 (also observed a distant flock above the mountain moving North which went uncounted)
- Mourning Dove 2
- Red-bellied Woodpecker 5
- Downy Woodpecker 2
- Pileated Woodpecker 2
- American Kestrel 1
- Eastern Phoebe 3
- American Crow X
- Fish Crow 1
- Common Raven 2
- Carolina Chickadee 4
- Tufted Titmouse 4
- White-breasted Nuthatch 1
- Carolina Wren 1
- Eastern Bluebird 8
- American Robin 12
- Northern Mockingbird 1
- European Starling 6
- Eastern Towhee 2
- Field Sparrow 4
- Fox Sparrow 2
- Song Sparrow 22
- White-throated Sparrow 6
- Dark-eyed Junco 12
- Northern Cardinal 8
- Red-winged Blackbird 3
- Brown-headed Cowbird 2