Stay Tuned: Exciting things to come
with the 2009-2013 Loudoun County Bird Atlas
As we head down the final stretch for the Loudoun County Bird Atlas, I want to thank all the atlasers, private property owners, and donors for their help along the way. Without you, this project would not be the success that it is.
Over the past 5 years, approximately 85 atlasers have spent 5,600 hours in the field documenting 62,700 sightings, including rarities such as Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and Yellow-headed Blackbird.
Breeding has been confirmed for 103 species, including Hooded Merganser, a species not previously documented as breeding in Loudoun County.
Data collection will wrap up at the end of this month and our focus will shift to the exciting task of pulling everything together into electronic and conventional publications for all to see. The publications will include distribution maps for all bird species in Loudoun County and conservation recommendations for areas identified as important bird areas.
The Bird Atlas results will provide a comparison for past and future atlases and allow us to create or update bird checklists for 7 popular birding areas in the county, including Banshee Reeks, Bles Park, and The Blue Ridge Center. The results will also help educate residents about the importance of protecting birds and their habitat.
Want to learn more or see the current results? Check the Bird Atlas website at
Happy birding!
Spring Ligi
Loudoun County Bird Atlas Coordinator