A pair of Ravens is nesting in Purcellville on a tower!
This is one of only a few Raven nests that we know of in Loudoun County (there are others but they are really uncommon).
Liam McGranaghan and his students at Loudoun Valley High School are keeping watch over these birds and their nesting activities.
On Tuesday, workers climbed the tower to do some maintenance.
They were informed that Ravens are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty act and that they cannot disturb the birds without Federal permission.
Since then, workers have not returned to climb the tower and the female raven has started adding moss and hair to the nest….and indication that egg laying will soon begin!
Liam is holding a contest with his students to name the pair! Let’s hope they come up with some cool names.
We’ll follow this Raven story here as they build the nest and hopefully raise young.
Spring is definitely on the way!