Each year, Loudoun Wildlife conservancy attends the Loudoun County Science Fair in search of students who have taken a special look at aspects of the natural world and demonstrated a keen investigation of a particular subject. This years award winners are:
1st Place-Ehsan Jafree(Stone Bridge)The Relationship Between Impervious Surface Percent Cover and Stream Health in Loudoun County, VA The purpose of his research was to determine if and how imperviousness and deforestation have impacted stream health within a 100 feet, 0.25 mile and 0.5 buffer around streams tested by Loudoun Watershed Watch in Lo. Co.
2nd Place-Lauren Salman(Stone Bridge)The Relationship Between Stream Location and Macroinvertebrate Health The purpose of this experiment was to determine the areas in which the healthiest bodies of water are found, among residential areas, urban areas, and non-agrarian rural areas.
3rd Place-Samuel Kane(Academy of Science, Dominion High School) Investigation of Lead Isotopes in Quircus spp. To Determine the Effects of Air Transportation on Pollutant Present An internal comparison of active oak trees was conducted around airports to determine the effects of leaded gasoline on lead levels in oak trees.
Paul Miller, our Environmental Education Chair, presented awards to Ehsan and Lauren who were able to attend our Annual Meeting.