The Governor’s Fair, held at Morven Park in Leesburg, was a fun event yesterday.
In addition to meeting new people at our booth and chatting up the great wild places around Loudoun, the cow stopped by and gave us some laughs.
We also led 2 nature walks into the rich woods and enjoyed meeting up with an American Toad and a juvenile Green Frog keeping cool in one of the vernal pools special to the forest of Morven Park.
While birds were heard more than seen, we enjoyed listening to Scarlet Tanagers call, watching Cedar Waxwings gobble up mulberries, and an Eastern Bluebird visiting its nest hole high up in an old snag.
The walks in the woods were a welcome break from the sun but even at our fairbooth tent a gentle breeze came through now and again to cool the visitors.
See a few pictures from the day on our Facebook page – and plan on it for next year!