Who is on your team? Linda Millington, Emily Southgate, Christine Perdue
What day are you doing your birdathon? Friday, May 11th
What time will you start and end? We have not decided, but we will be leading an LWC sponsored IMBD walk at Camp Highroad in Middelburg, VA starting at 8 AM.
How many species to you hope to get? We are hoping for at least 80.
How much money do you hope to raise as a team? Hard to say but we’ve got some loyal donors – family members!
What bird(s) are you stretching to get this year? Not sure if we are stretching, but we hope to get lots of warblers at Camp Highroad including Prairie, Black and White, and Yellow Warblers. Last year we found a Blackburnian! Also, Northern Parulas, Louisiana Waterthrush, Ovenbirds, and Common Yellowthroats.
We should get all the woodpeckers; Barred Owl; White-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireo; and both orioles. Also, kingfishers, Great Blue Heron, and Bank Swallows along the creek.
We are also hoping for Woodcock, Blue-winged Warblers, and Wild Turkey at the Institute Farm in Aldie where we plan to go after our IMBD walk.
How long has your team been doing this? Not long – we are newcomers to the Bird-a-thon this year! However, we’ve been doing Christmas Bird Counts, IMBD walks, Loudoun County Breeding Bird Atlas surveys, and LWC field trips for years.
Do you have different roles on your team? If so, what are they? (e.g. spotters, ear birders, etc) We will find out!
What’s the best part of the birdathon? Just being out in the woods and in the fields amidst those extraordinary creatures – birds!
What’s the toughest part of the day? Fending off the ticks!
Why do you/members of your team do the birdathon? We’re big supporters of LWC and we love birding! We’ve all been avid birders since our childhoods.
What do you do in preparation for the count? Loading up on coffee, insect repellent, and sunscreen!
Anything else you want to add about the birdathon? Come along on our walk at Camp Highroad and see some birds!