Here’s the latest news on our Loudoun County Bird Atlas project:
As we enter our third breeding season, we’ll be completing several blocks and beginning to cover new ones. In both cases, it’s helpful to have access to private property, which can provide excellent habitat for target species.
If you have property that has rich bird habitat and are willing to let us visit it for the bird atlas, please contact our Bord Atlas coordinator, Spring Ligi: All landowners will be recognized and thanked in the final publication of atlas results.
March Highlights
1. An atlaser was treated to a Common Redpoll on his property in the Bluemont 4 area…a rare visitor for Loudoun!
2. Barn Owl and Woodcocks heard in the Round Hill 4 block. Displaying Woodcocks also observed in the Middleburg area.
3. Rusty blackbirds observed at Algonkian Park and the Arcola 2 block.
Atlas Progress
64 enthusiastic atlasers have spent 2,475 hours in the field documenting 26,750 sightings. You have recorded 228 species, with 97 of these species having a confirmed nesting status. Field cards have been reported for 43 blocks and 3 blocks are considered “complete”.