You may have read in the Christmas Bird Count highlights about a flock of 7 Brown Creepers! That was pretty cool!
Brown Creepers are only here with us through the fall and winter so if you want to see them, keep a watch out for them now. If you join us on one of our winter bird walks, you may get a good look at one.
Brown Creepers are very well camouflaged with their colorings blending in so well to the lines and colors of trees. Check out the picture to the right and you’ll see what I mean.
They’re small birds, about the size of a nuthatch, and they are seen hopping (or creeping I suppose) upwards on trees looking in crevices in and under bark for tiny insects and spiders to eat.
They always work a tree from the bottom up, spiraling around it and that’s a good way to watch them since there’s some predictability to their movement.
As spring arrives, Brown Creepers will head north to New England States as well as Canada for nesting. I’ve never seen a nest but they sound really interesting in that they are made behind the loose bark on trees. Pretty cool.
Their call is a high pitched “seeee…” You can take a listen on the Cornell website.