This is a rare sighting for Loudoun in the winter, yet this bird has been staying at Sunnylane Farm in Round Hill for most of the winter.
We often see Rose-breasted Grosbeaks during migration as they pass through flying from their usual wintering grounds in south and central America to their summer breeding grounds which are generally north of here although through our bird atlas project we are thinking that they are a probable (although infrequent) breeder for Loudoun County.
You can learn more about the Rose-breasted Grosbeak on Cornell’s All About Birds site. Definitely take a look at the range map and see where this bird ought to be for winter.
It’s really interesting to have it here for the winter. I haven’t heard if it stayed through the snow storms but hopefully it made it through the rough weather.
Grosbeaks are seed eaters so keeping the feeders stocked will likely help this friend through these cold times.