This past week, Joe Coleman was recognized as Volunteer of the Year by the Waterford Foundation for his efforts in leading Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy habitat restoration projects at the Phillips Farm as well as environmental activities that have been conducted there. This is a wonderful recognition for not only Joe but also all the volunteers who have come out to participate in these events. Below is the write-up from the Waterford Foundation.
The nominee for this award has spent untold number of hours in Waterford this past year volunteering his time to its preservation and protection. And more than that, he has enticed many others from around Loudoun County to do the same. He has used his efforts in Waterford to improve the quality of life for all of us in Loudoun County, not just those in the village.
As an active member of the Phillips Farm Committee, he encouraged the organization he helped establish, the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, to join forces with the Foundation and today, the Foundation rejoices in this highly successful partnership. Their expertise has been essential to protection of the natural resources that are a vital part of the farm.
During the past year, more than 500 trees and shrubs have been planted on the Phillips Farm, to establish a riparian buffer along the Catoctin Creek, which will help improve water quality in the creek and in the entire watershed. We have this special volunteer to thank for this. Under his direction, the Conservancy underwrote the cost of these plantings and then he rallied their membership and supporters (including many villagers) to get them all planted. He also recruited volunteers to help remove invasive plants. At the same time, he was instrumental in having the Catoctin monitored several times a year for water quality.
For the past 2 years, this volunteer has made sure the Phillips Farm has played a role in the Audubon Society’s Annual Christmas Bird Count. And he and fellow volunteers are now using the Phillips Farm for the five-year Bird Atlas, a census of birds in the county.
Recently, this volunteer received the A. Willis Robertson award from the Virginia Chapter of The Wildlife Society, recognition of his significant contributions to conservation in the Commonwealth. We feel most fortunate to number Joe Coleman among our volunteers and want to recognize his efforts in helping us protect such vital resources in the Waterford National Landmark. Thank you Joe.