People had been talking about it, there were a few posts to a listserv and then there came the article in the Washington Post “Acorn Watchers Wonder What Happened to Crop”. Acorns seem to be at not only an all-time low but in many places there are none at all. According to the Post, reports of no acorns (a “zero year”) span from as far away as Pennsylvania, up through New England, out to Kansas. It’s very strange.
One theory provided in the Post points to the wet spring impacting the spread of pollen and subsequent pollination of the oak flowers. Hickory nuts are also said to be scarce this year. Squirrels, deer and other mammals rely on acorns and other mast through the winter and will likely feel the pinch of this food shortage.
We’re curious about the oaks in Loudoun – if you have oak trees in your yard or neighborhood – did you have any acorns this year?