The Big Sit started with a beautiful rainbow spanning the Potomac and Algonkian Park. The rest of the day included periods of sunshine, heavy rain (which kept us under our canopies, did not put a stop to bird activity) and wind. Over the course of 13 hours, we identified 59 bird species from a 17-foot circle. A flyby hummingbird would have been number 60, but it wasn’t seen from the circle, so we couldn’t include it in the count. Our count did include 10 warbler species, a Blue-headed Vireo, all seven woodpecker species that can be found in the region, and at least eight Bald Eagles. The complete list of species can be viewed on eBird at:
This event was sponsored by Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and NOVA Parks. Over 100 people stopped by to chat with us, visit the Loudoun Wildlife booth and help us find birds. NOVA Parks Roving Naturalist, Matt Felperin, brought Smoke the Eastern Screech Owl, Louis the King Snake, and Crunchy the Box Turtle for visitors to meet.