Coalition Partnerships
The information below is taken from our partners’ websites.
For more information, please click on the links.
Blue Ridge Conservation Alliance
Blue Ridge Conservation Alliance partners are working to protect the natural, scenic, and historic values of the Blue Ridge from Front Royal, Va., to Harpers Ferry, W.Va. We collaborate to conserve land, safeguard watersheds, and preserve the historic landscape along the Appalachian Trail corridor and the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers.
Choose Clean Water Coalition
Since 2010, the Choose Clean Water Coalition has harnessed the collective power of more than 270 organizations to advocate for clean rivers and streams in all communities in the Chesapeake Bay region.
Loudoun Chamber of Commerce
The Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce partners with our members to create a Chamber experience that leads to personal, business and community success. Our Vision is to create and promote a world class quality of life in Loudoun County.
Loudoun County Preservation and Conservation Coalition
The mission of the Coalition is to provide a strong voice for our members in public forums and a convenient and effective way to share information, issues, and ideas.
In response to strong public input and a shortage of parks and trails in Loudoun County, a committee of Coalition members proposes Emerald Ribbons, a countywide interconnected system of linear parks and trails. Such a widely accessible network, built along streams and other natural corridors, can create an asset of enormous benefit to Loudoun County, raising property values, improving health and quality of life, attracting business investment and providing protection for natural areas and drinking water sources.
Loudoun Environmental Education Alliance
Loudoun Environmental Education Alliance (LEEA) is a voluntary coalition of individuals representing nonprofits, schools, governments and corporations with a common interest in environmental education and stewardship in Loudoun County, Virginia. Formed in 2007, LEEA serves the shared interests of its member organizations, promotes environmental programs and outdoor experiences in Loudoun County, and provides links to resources for environmental education and outdoor recreation. LEEA members provide programs, sites and learning resources to children and adults.
Loudoun Pediatric Obesity Coalition
The Loudoun Pediatric Obesity Coalition is a multi-sector coalition which has worked collaboratively with the health department and 35 other community organizations to improve access to optimal nutrition and physical activity for all families living in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Watershed Watch
A consortium of citizen groups, local and state authorities overseeing the water resources of Loudoun County, VA. LWW shares a common vision with citizens across the nation: clean and safe water, and healthy aquatic ecosystems. For citizens in Loudoun, this means a county distinguished for its meandering streams with forested riparian buffers flowing through woodlots, farms, residential communities, and parks with streamside trails.
Purcellville Business Association
The Purcellville Business Association is a non-profit organization of businesses and individuals who come together to advance and promote the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, and civic welfare of Purcellville and Western Loudoun County.
Virginia Conservation Network
Founded as the Conservation Council of Virginia in 1969, Virginia Conservation Network began as a roundtable of major conservation groups and has grown to include over 150 Network Partners across the Commonwealth. We are committed to building a powerful, diverse, and highly-coordinated conservation movement focused on protecting our Commonwealth’s natural resources.