Site Description: Tuscarora is a tributary of Goose Creek. This site is located along the W&OD Trail near Tuscarora Park in Leesburg and is marked by brown NOVA Parks signs. These signs were part of a Youth Conservation Leadership Institute project by Emma Lloyd.
Certified Lead Monitor: Emily Maltman started conducting both benthic macroinvertebrate and sodium chloride monitoring at this site in the fall of 2021. This site was previously monitored intermittently starting in 2008.

Ecological condition rating scores resulting from benthic macroinvertebrate surveys at the Tuscarora Creek, W&OD site starting in Fall 2016. The site has continuously received unacceptable ratings, with the exception of an indeterminate rating in the fall of 2021 and 2022. Surveys were not conducted in Spring 2017 and Spring and Fall of 2020. These surveys cannot detect bacterial pollution.