Site Description: This site is located just above the confluence with Tuscarora Creek in Leesburg. We are grateful to The Branch restaurant and bowling for allowing us permission to conduct our monitoring here. This site is both a benthic macroinvertebrate survey site (in partnership with Virginia Save Our Streams) and a chemical monitoring site (in partnership with the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s RiverTrends program).
Certified Lead Monitor: Retired Riverside High School teacher Lisa Klug started conducting benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring at this site in the fall of 2023. Our Salt Watch volunteers have been conducting chloride testing at this site since January 2022. Our Chem Crew volunteers have been conducting chemical monitoring at this site since September 2023.
Visit the Clean Water Hub site for this location (TOWBRA0.1) to see further information about benthic macroinvertebrate and Salt and Nitrate Watch data. Visit the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative to see further information about the chemical data for this location (TOWBRA0.1).

Ecological condition rating scores resulting from benthic macroinvertebrate surveys at Town Branch, Harrison Street starting in Fall 2023. This site has only received unacceptable ratings. These surveys cannot detect bacterial pollution.