Site Description: Goose Creek, a state scenic river, is a major tributary of the Potomac River. This Leesburg site is located a little less than two miles from this confluence of the Goose Creek and Potomac.
Certified Lead Monitors: Jack McNamee and Harrison Crecraft (of the Riverside Park Confluence Committee) and Audrey Bowling (a Riverside High School student) work together to lead the benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring at this site. They are assisted by members of the Riverside High School Environmental Club, under the leadership of Earth Science teacher Lisa Klug.
Carolyn Odegaard also started conducted sodium chloride monitoring at this site in 2022.

Ecological condition rating scores resulting from benthic macroinvertebrate surveys at Goose Creek starting in Fall 2021. This site has received an initial indeterminate rating followed by unacceptable ratings, but in Spring 2024 received its first acceptable rating. These surveys cannot detect bacterial pollution.